About Canadian Mining Magazine
By Industry, For Industry

Canadian Mining Magazine is a major voice within Canada’s mining industry. Three times per year, the magazine is direct-mailed to a list that is made up of the “who’s who” in the industry; major mine executives and CEOS, venture capitalists, investors, researchers, mining association representatives, university and college mining program administrators, and many more. We work very hard with our industry contacts and writers to ensure that the magazine covers the stories that this calibre of readers will find interesting and relevant.

The magazine is also widely distributed at both Canadian and international trade shows and events throughout the calendar year.


In-depth articles on industry issues!

Each issue of the magazine includes feature articles on industry topics of interest to our readers. Ask your sales representative for information on the features planned for the upcoming issue.


The best blogs reprinted!

New blogs are posted to the Canadian Mining Magazine website every week, and we share at least one in each print edition. You can read every blog we’ve ever published here – they hold an immense wealth of information!


What’s new to market?

Each issue of Canadian Mining Magazine features the latest new products on the market, including software, tools, and heavy machines. Each issue also outlines upcoming industry events, both Canadian and international.


Mining events from around the world!

Each issue of the magazine includes an updated list of mining events that are upcoming across Canada and around the world. It also highlights those we are partnering with.