Doran Yardcheck 360 Monitors Offroad Equipment Even When It is Shut Down

Doran YardCheck 360 helps off road fleets rein in tire related costs and stop problems before they can impact production with continuous monitoring of tire pressure and temperatures, even if the equipment is powered off. If a monitored tire inside YardCheck 360’s wireless coverage zone has low pressure, a rapid deflation event, or high temperature, fleet managers are notified. This data helps to prevent equipment downtime and reduce operating costs through scheduling repairs and corrections. 

A YardCheck 360 Gate reader creates a wireless coverage zone at a facility. Inside this zone, external, valve stem mounted sensors pass tire pressure and temperature data to a rechargeable battery-powered transceiver on each asset. This data is received by the YardCheck 360 Gate Reader and is automatically uploaded to the cloud every 15 minutes for equipment that is powered on and once per day for equipment that is powered off. Current and historical tire pressure and temperature data are visible online and alerts can be set up to be sent out to pre-defined users to correct tire issues faster. 

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