Tag: heavyequipment

  • How Financing Options Can Drive Sales for Equipment Companies
    How Financing Options Can Drive Sales for Equipment Companies

    Heavy equipment, such as excavators, bulldozers, and mining machinery, represents a substantial investment for businesses. By providing accessible and flexible payment solutions, heavy equipment companies can significantly increase their sales, reach a broader customer base, and build long-term relationships with clients. This week’s Blog explores how companies that embrace flexible financing solutions will be well-positioned to…

  • Provix: Improving Visibility at the Mine Site with Thermal Cameras
    Provix: Improving Visibility at the Mine Site with Thermal Cameras

    Navigating heavy equipment in darkness, dust, fog, rain, snow, and steam is a challenging task, and equipment lights can be distorted causing additional visual distraction. This week’s Blog from Provix Inc. takes a look at how their thermal camera solutions can make your mine site safer.

  • Active versus Passive Safety Systems for Heavy Equipment
    Active versus Passive Safety Systems for Heavy Equipment

    While cameras have become a mainstay in both vehicles and equipment, Provix has introduced a system that provides an additional safety measure by adding radar to detect any object in the radar field of view. This week’s Blog takes a look at Provix’s latest technology and how it makes your worksite safer.